Home of the store that brings you the very best in
Who We Are
We are the Tolland Red & White! This store has been standing for many years now with various business backgrounds starting off as your local corner grocery store and as of today, your local corner candy, antiques and handmade gifts store.
If you would like to learn more about the Tolland Red & White, the store today, its long history of business and the people that run the store now then please check out the About Us tab. We hope you enjoy learning about this popular local favorite.
Where We Are
We are located at 46 Tolland Green across the street from the United Congregational Church. Please stop by to have a look at our historic store and to browse the many treats and gifts we have for you here at the Tolland Red & White.
The stores opening times can be found on our Facebook and to the right of this page. If you are coming to visit from outside of Tolland there is a map linked to our location found in the Contact tab. We hope to see you soon!
What We Offer
The Tolland Red & White offers a wide array of tasty candy treats, clothing, jewelry (such as necklaces, earrings & bracelets), toys for your children, books and vintage style trinkets and accessories for you to buy to keep in your very own home. We are also the hosts to special events such as Paint & Sips and Spiritual Reading Nights. Please stop by to partake in any of the activities we will be hosting.
Event dates and details will be posted here and on our Facebook page so be sure to Like us to keep up to date with whats going on at the Tolland Red & White!